Sweden, renowned for its high standard of living and strong economy, is an attractive destination for individuals from Kazakhstan seeking employment opportunities or aiming to establish their own businesses. This article outlines the essential requirements for obtaining a work permit and a business resident visa to facilitate a smooth transition to life in Sweden.

Work Permit Requirements

For Kazakhstani citizens intending to work in Sweden, securing a work permit is crucial. Here are the key requirements:

  1. Job Offer: The first step is obtaining a job offer from a Swedish employer. The position must be in line with the applicant's qualifications and expertise.

  2. Salary Criteria: The offered salary must comply with Swedish collective bargaining agreements or meet the minimum wage set by the Swedish Migration Agency, ensuring fair compensation.

  3. Employer's Role: The employer must submit detailed information about the job, including the job title, description, and salary, as part of the application.

  4. Application Submission: Kazakhstani applicants can apply for a work permit online through the Swedish Migration Agency’s official website. If the applicant is currently outside Sweden, a visa application must be filed as well.

  5. Necessary Documents: Important documents for the application include a valid passport, a job offer letter, proof of educational qualifications, and any relevant certifications.

  6. Residence Permit: Along with the work permit, applicants will typically receive a residence permit, allowing them to live in Sweden for the duration of their employment.

Business Resident Visa Requirements

Kazakhstani entrepreneurs wishing to establish a business in Sweden must apply for a business resident visa. The following requirements must be met:

  1. Detailed Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan that outlines the business concept, target market, financial projections, and funding sources is mandatory.

  2. Investment Capital: Applicants need to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to launch and sustain their business in Sweden. The required amount may vary based on the nature of the business.

  3. Legal Compliance: The business must adhere to Swedish regulations and be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket).

  4. Entrepreneurial Experience: Evidence of relevant entrepreneurial experience and skills is essential to strengthen the application.

  5. Application Process: Similar to the work permit, the application for the business resident visa can be submitted online, with careful attention to the completeness of all required documents.

  6. Residence Permit: The business resident visa includes a residence permit, allowing the applicant to reside in Sweden while running their business.

Pathway to Citizenship

Kazakhstani citizens who have resided in Sweden for a designated period, usually four years, may be eligible for Swedish citizenship. Key criteria for citizenship include:

  • Permanent Residency: Holding a permanent residency permit is a prerequisite.
  • Good Character: Applicants must demonstrate good conduct, which typically means no serious criminal convictions.
  • Knowledge of Swedish Language: Proficiency in Swedish and an understanding of Swedish society may be required.


Embarking on a journey to work or start a business in Sweden can be a life-changing experience for Kazakhstani citizens. By understanding the requirements and preparing the necessary documentation, applicants can enhance their chances of a successful application process. For further assistance in obtaining a work permit or business resident visa, do not hesitate to reach out.

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