Are you a citizen of Uzbekistan looking to work or establish a business in Sweden? Sweden offers various visa options, including work permits and business resident visas, which can help you achieve your professional aspirations and pave the way toward obtaining citizenship. In this article, we’ll outline the essential requirements and application processes for these visas.

Sweden Work Permit Visa

The Sweden Work Permit Visa allows foreign nationals to legally work in Sweden. To qualify for this visa, you need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Job Offer: You must have a valid job offer from a Swedish employer. The position must be advertised in Sweden and the EU for a minimum of 10 days before you can apply.

  2. Salary Requirements: The offered salary must meet the minimum threshold set by the Swedish Migration Agency, ensuring that you can support yourself financially while living in Sweden.

  3. Qualifications: You should possess the necessary qualifications and experience for the role. Your employer may need to provide documentation to support your application.

  4. Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance coverage is essential for the duration of your stay in Sweden.

  5. Application Process: Applications can be submitted online through the Swedish Migration Agency or at the nearest Swedish embassy in Uzbekistan. Ensure you include all required documents, such as your passport, job offer letter, and proof of qualifications.

Business Resident Visa

The Business Resident Visa is designed for entrepreneurs looking to establish their business in Sweden. To apply for this visa, you must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Business Plan: A detailed business plan is crucial. This plan should demonstrate the viability of your business idea, including market analysis, business model, and financial projections.

  2. Funding: You need to prove that you have sufficient funds to start and operate your business, which may include personal savings, loans, or investment funds.

  3. Company Registration: Your business must be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) to operate legally in Sweden.

  4. Long-Term Residency: You may be required to show your intent to stay in Sweden long-term, contributing to the local economy and society.

  5. Application Submission: The application for a business resident visa can also be completed online or submitted through the nearest Swedish embassy.

Pathway to Citizenship

Both the work permit and business resident visa can lead to citizenship. After residing in Sweden for a specified period (typically five years), you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency and subsequently citizenship. During this time, it’s essential to integrate into Swedish society and demonstrate knowledge of the Swedish language and culture.


Sweden provides an inviting environment for citizens of Uzbekistan seeking professional growth or entrepreneurial opportunities. By meeting the visa requirements and following the application process, you can take significant steps toward establishing your life in Sweden.

For further assistance with your application or to explore partnership opportunities, contact us at [email protected].

Become an affiliate partner with Visa Affiliate Ltd at or join our B2B partner program at to access additional resources and support.

Apply Now to begin your journey toward a successful future in Sweden!

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